Coming towards the end of cancer treatment can be exciting, but other health concerns developing can be frustrating. Patients can develop lymphedema over the course of cancer treatment, and they may require the help of a doctor to help them recover.
Our lymphedema treatment options are personalized to suit your needs and support your recovery. Read on to learn more about what causes lymphedema and how it may affect you.
What Is Lymphedema?
Lymphedema is swelling in an area of your body, which occurs when your lymphatic system has been damaged or disrupted. Lymphedema occurs when the lymphatic system is unable to drain excess fluid from the circulatory system. The lymphatic system collects excess fluid, proteins, and toxins from your cells and tissues. Lymphedema can occur after certain surgeries, medical conditions, or treatments.
Signs & Symptoms of Lymphedema
The most common and obvious symptom of lymphedema is swelling, and this can happen at a very slow rate. You may notice an area of the body, such as an arm or leg, begin to swell. Additional symptoms of lymphedema include:
- Skin becomes thicker
- The affected limb feels heavier
- You sometimes experience tingling in the affected area
- Clothes begin to feel tighter
- Joints feel stiff or inflexible
Other signs and symptoms of lymphedema include a burning or itching sensation. It is almost important to note that these symptoms will typically occur after surgery, a treatment program, or the use of specific medication.
Cause of Lymphedema
The most common causes of lymphedema are due to cancer surgery. Lymph nodes, which help regulate this fluid in the body, are sometimes removed during procedures that remove cancerous growths and affected areas, which can include the lymph nodes. Other causes include infection, obesity, tumors, and heart conditions.
When to Seek Help for Lymphedema
Dr. Zakhary and our team of amazing and dedicated healthcare specialists, located in Glendale, AZ, are dedicated to helping you achieve the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.
We strive to give you the best treatment possible and help you regain full health and reclaim your best life while dealing with lymphedema. If you’re interested in lymphedema treatment, give us a call at 623-258-3255. Schedule an appointment for lymphedema treatment options with Dr. Zakhary.